Browser Settings (NXT Tutorial by Dale Yocum)

Note: this content, created by Dale Yocum, has been copied (with permission) from on July 20, 2011.

The security settings of your browser may cause a message to be displayed saying the content has been blocked. If this occurs, you may want to change your settings in the browser to allow it.

If you are experiencing difficulties when attempting to run this tutorial from a CD with Internet Explorer, click on Tools, then on Internet Options, then on the Advanced tab. Scroll down to the Security settings and enable the option to "Allow active content from CDs to run on My Computer".

If the tutorial is loaded on the local hard drive or network, enable the setting "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer" on the same Advanced tab as above.

Another option is to download a free copy of the FireFox browser which does not exhibit this problem. It is available from