Instructional Material: Installing the Java SDK and Eclipse IDE

To write Java programs you need the Java SDK and an Interactive Development Environment (IDE) .We will use Eclipse for the IDE. 

Here is a link to download the Java SDK 11, required by the Tello-SDK project. SDK 11 only comes in 64 bit form. When installing the JDK, you only need the Development Tools, so you can X out source code.

The minimum version of Eclipse for programming the Tello is Photon (4.8). The recommended package is the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Eclipse requires the Java Run Time (JRE) 8 (1.8) in 64 bit form. Download it here if you do not already have it. Install this JRE before installing Eclipse. You can then download Eclipse here. The current version of Eclipse is only available in 64 bit form.

Eclipse is delivered in a .zip file. To install, simply unzip the eclipse folder from the zip to any directory you wish, though Program Files is a good place. To run Eclipse, double click the eclipse.exe file in the eclipse folder. It is best to create a shortcut to the executable file and place the shortcut on your desktop. Eclipse does not modify the Windows registry. To delete Eclipse, simply delete the Eclipse directory.

A regular installer (.exe) is also available though you may have to run it as an Administrator to get it to install Eclipse in the Program Files directory. The installer exe will create the desktop shortcut for you. It will also install the JRE for you.

The first time you run Eclipse it will prompt you for a workspace location. It is probably best to go with the default shown in the prompt. The workspace is a folder where your Java projects will be stored. Select Use this as the default to not be prompted for the workspace folder each time you run Eclipse.

When Eclipse opens you will see the Welcome screen. Uncheck Always show Welcome at start up in the lower right corner. Then in the upper left corner, below the File menu will be a small icon that looks like two folders (called Restore). Click on it to display the Java editing view. Now close the Welcome, Task List, Outline, Problems, Javadoc and any other windows at the bottom of the screen. You should have just the Package Explorer window on the left and the blank editing area on the right.

It is best to configure Eclipse to automatically search for updates. On the Eclipse menu bar, click Window -> Preferences. Double click Install/Update in the Preferences list. Highlight Automatic Updates. Check the option to Automatically find new Updates and Notify me. Click Ok. This will help keep Eclipse updated.

Here are several resources to help you learn more about Eclipse and how to use it beyond what is covered in our lessons:

Video Tutorial

Tutorials Point Eclipse Guide

Vogella Eclipse Tutorial

Official Eclipse Java Tutorial


Material Type: 
Education Level: 
Middle School
High School
Focus Subject: 
Computing / Computer Science
Robotics Software
HW Platform: 
DJI Tello
SW Platform: 
Interactivity Style: 