Lesson: leJOS Example Programs

Learn about the example programs provided by leJOS and how to install and use them.

Download, install and use the example programs provided by leJOS.


leJOS provides a set of example programs you can download and install into Eclipse. The examples show how to do a number of things with the leJOS API and are valuable to have available to look at. These examples cover advanced topics and techniques so you should work through the exercises in this unit before looking at these examples.

You can download the examples here. Select the file leJOS_EV3_0.9.1-beta_samples.zip.

The examples are in a zip file. After download, open the zip file and locate the ev3samples directory. Copy or drag and drop this directory into your Eclipse workspace directory. Now, when you open Eclipse, it will include the ev3samples project with the various examples located in the src directory. You can view the examples and run them if you wish.
