Instructional Material: Introduction to UAVs
NOTE (Sept 2021): The TPP videos used as the Primary Instructional Material used in the first 5 units of this course are currently unavailable. We understand the TPP is creating an updated version of this series. In the meantime, please see Differentiated Instructional Material: ALTERNATIVE for resources you can use for these lessons.
The Primary Instructional Resource for this Lesson is TPP UAV Training Program Part 1: Lesson 1
Note: As currently laid out, the TPP course is structured with a scope and sequence that logically follows the needs for a Part 107 (commercial drone operations) overview course. However, we will be using their lessons out-of-sequence in some cases for our recreational drone operations over school propery based course. The TPP site does not allow one to advance to a subsequent lesson until the quiz for the current lesson is successfully completed, which make skipping ahead or out-of-sequence awkward. However, if your browser is set to accept cookies and you run through the course/quizzes once, you may then choose "Resume" and then use the "Menu" tab in the upper-right to resume at any point already completed.
UPDATE: In October 2018, congress passed the FAA Re-authorization Act which repealed the Section 336 exemption under which recreational UAVs had operated. The new rules were not in effect yet as the FAA needed time to implement these. In mid-May 2019, the FAA announced the beginning of this process:
The Bad News - teachers who do not have their Part 107 UAV Pilot License are now effectively grounded in controlled airspace. Use this map to identify controlled airspace in your area:
UPDATE (June 2021): Per the 2018 FAA Reauthorization Act, the mandatory Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) in now in effect. All recreational flyers must pass an aeronautical knowledge and safety test and provide proof of test passage (the TRUST completion certificate) to the FAA or law enforcement upon request. Several choices for test adminstrators for this free online course/test are avaialble on this site. Teachers and students need complete this test before flying UAVs outdoors.
The TRUST is divided into two sections. The first section provides you with the information needed to pass the test. The second section is a series of multiple choice questions. You cannot fail the test. If you answer a question incorrectly you will be provided with information on why the answer you chose was incorrect and will be prompted to try again.
Upon completion of the TRUST you will receive a completion certificate. The certificate never expires, however, if you lose your certificate you will need to re-take the test and obtain a new certificate.