Lesson: "Logic Loops"
The goal of this lesson is to explore using logic to control loops in the Lego MINDSTORMS NXT-G program. Students will work through the "Logic Loops" video lesson on the "Advanced" page of the "NXT Video Trainer 2.0" product from Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Academy.
Students will be able to:
1. Describe the advantage of using logic to control loops
2. Explain how a logic-controlledn Loop Block can be used to implement a more sophisticated wait-for function
3. Explain the operation of the "Compare" function in a Sensor Block's data hub
4. Explain the role of each parameter in a Logic Block
5. Write an NXT-G program for a robot which uses a logic-controlled Loop Block to implement a wait-for-mutiple sensors function
6. Write an NXT-G program for a robot which uses a logic-controlled Loop Block based on stored sensor readings from a Variable Block
Instruction Guide:
Primary Instructional Material:
Summative Assessment:
Education Level:
Middle School
High School
Scope & Sequence:
Focus Subject:
Computing / Computer Science
Robotics Software
HW Platform:
SW Platform:
Interactivity Style: