Unit: EV3 - Wired for Data
This unit begins with lessons on using using data wires, the EV3-G equivalent of passing parameters, based on a lesson from EV3 Trainer (a.k.a. Introduction to Programming LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3) from Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Academy (Note: these lessons are not available in the free online version of the product). Students are then given Engineering Challenges that require the integration of these new skills. An Robo-Science lesson on vehicle collisions (Newtonian Physics) which uses these new programming skills is also included in this unit.
Unit Summative Assessment:
Lessons in this Unit:
Education Level:
Middle School
High School
Focus Area:
Computing / Computer Science
Robotics Hardware
Robotics Software
HW Platform:
SW Platform:
Interactivity Style:
Clone Of: