Instructional Material: EV3 - Faraday Golfing Machine
The attached PowerPoint presentation introduces Faraday's Law and presents a challenge for students to create a Faraday Golfing Machine as a culmination of the EV3 First Build lesson.
Also attached are the Lego Digital Designer (LDD) .lxf files for the sample builds in this PowerPoint presentation.
NOTE: If you cannot find the current version of LDD, try the attached LDD Setup file (4.3.9) - this is no longer supported/updated, but has all the EV3 parts built in.
If you wish to see only the parts in your EV3 kit in the palette, select your theme to be "LEGO MINDSTORMS" (under "View" on the top menu bar) and then select your desired kit from the "Filter bricks by boxes" icon (at the bottom of the Bricks Palette).