Instruction Guide: EV3 - Hardware

In this Lesson we have 3 Primary Instruction Resources:

  1. The User Manual from the EV3 45544 Core Set
  2. The EV3 Hardware ppt   to access the EV3-G building instructions
  3. The Differentiated Instructional Material (Alternative) for alternate tribot designs


Building the First Tribot

Have student build a Tribot ( 3 wheel drive base) in the 45544 manual (page 7).

  • The instructions for building this tribot can also be accessed in EV3-G (the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® software). Use the EV3 Hardware ppt to walk students thru accessing the build instructions.

Slide 1

  • Open LEGO® MINDSTORMS® software

Slide 2

  • Click on the Robot Education tab

Slide 3

  • Click on the Building Instruction tab

Slide 4

  • Click on the Driving Base tab

The above takes you to the building instructions for a tribot. It also give students a feel for migrating the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® software.

Alternatively, any Tribot configuration will work for this exercise.

Here is another Tribot from the Differentiated Instructional Material (Alternative) for this Lesson


  • The lengths of axles and long beams are shown on a 1:1 scale on each page in the instructions.
    • Also, recall, the length of axles are specified by how many beam-holes they are in length.

Ensure all students share in the building experience by having students rotate rolls every time they turn a page in the instructions:

  • Fetcher/Checker - this students gathers on the parts needed for the next step (inside blue box in instructions) and checks the builders results against the images in the instructions.
  • Builder - this student assembles the gathered part per the instructions.