Instructional Material: EV3 - Pseudocode
Have students work through the EV3 Trainer videos describing Breaking Down Problems and Iterative Design:
Big Ideas > 4-5
- 4. Break Down Problems and Build Up Solutions
Final Challenge > Resources
- 2. Iterative Design
Use the EV3 Trainer Teacher's Guide reference on page 119 to introduce the concept of Pseudocode to students (Note: This resource is only available from the purchased version EV3 Trainer).
Use the attached Pseudocode Sheet Example to show students how this tool may be used to approach a complex task. The attached Pseudocode Sheet is an hardcopy blank for students to use, while Pseudocode Template is an electronic form for students to use.
Attached Resource:
Material Type:
Education Level:
Middle School
High School
Focus Subject:
Robotics Hardware
Robotics Software
HW Platform:
SW Platform:
Interactivity Style: