Instruction Guide: NXT Test Programs (Try Me Mode)
Note: If the Try Me Mode programs have been deleted from a birck, re-downloading the firmware will re-install the Try Me programs.
- Hands-on experience with operating the NXT brick
- Initial experience with running a program on the NXT brick
- Better understanding of the sensor functions
- Initial experience with Computational Thinking: determining the inputs, outputs and their relationship through program flow
- Student will add sensors and motors to build an NXT computer and then run the built-in Try Me programs
- Have student power up bricks and navigate to the “Try Me” Menu
Have students run each of the five programs and complete the “Try Me” Worksheet
- The name of the program (e.g. Try-Touch) indicates which sensor needs to be attached
Students observation and analysis should connected back to both:
- The Parts of a Computer (Input, Oupupt, Processor and Storage)
The attributes of a robot:
- manufatured by Lego
- sense environment (input)
respond to instructions:
- program flow is the instructions
- output gives evidence of response