Lesson: Microprocessors
This lesson is COMMON to both NXT and EV3 versions of STEM Robotics 101. The goal of this lesson is to explore how a microprocessor's hardware and software work together to achieve amazing results. The lesson utilizes resources from Intel's "The Journey Inside: The Computer" series in conjunction with two hands-on labs.
Students will be able to:
1. Distinguish microprocessor hardware and software
2. Identify the three main parts of a microprocessor
3. Describe the function of the Fetch, Decode and Execute units on a microprocessor
4. Identify the role of software in a microprocessor
5. Explain why microprocessor software is very challenging
6. Distinguish between machine language and higher level programming languages
7. Write a program for a fictitious microprocessor
Instruction Guide:
Primary Instructional Material:
Differentiated Instruction Material: Alternative:
Differentiated Instruction Material: Supplemental:
Formative Assessment:
Summative Assessment:
Additional Assessment: Alternative:
Education Level:
Middle School
High School
Scope & Sequence:
Focus Subject:
HW Platform:
SW Platform:
Interactivity Style: