Instructional Material: EV3 - Moving with Linkages

Each pair of students will need one EV3 kit and one Internet enabled device. Though it would be great to program with a desktop/laptop/tablet, the programming for this unit can probably be accomplished by onboard programming if you had to.


The sample videos of robots moving without wheels are here:

6 Robots that move without wheels.

Robot that move using linkages.

Another robot that moves using linkages.


The photo os the EV3 Lagre Motor and Simple hand-wound Motor are attached below.


The playlist of sample robots with linkages is here:


The free downloads of Yoshihito Isogawa’s books are available here:

(scroll to the bottom for the download link)


The optional book, The LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Idea Book,  can be ordered from No Starch Press here:


As an instructor you want to be careful showing too many ideas to students as some might copy rather than innovate if given the chance. That’s why the video links in the Instructor Guide link to only a few movies, not a long playlist. But if you want a long playlist, here is the best of playlist from my youtube channel.

And here’s 39 walkers, some successful – some not, some finished – some not, also from my youtube channel.

Two final resources are blog posts I wrote documenting the first time I taught this unit. Included are copious pictures and videos as well as my commentary on each step of the process.

Material Type: 
Education Level: 
Middle School
High School
Focus Subject: 
Robotics Hardware
HW Platform: 
SW Platform: 
Interactivity Style: 