Instruction Guide: Using the NXT Programming Software

Have students watch watch "Using the NXT Programming Software"  video from the "Basics" page in "NXT Video Trainer 2.0".

The key points are:

Students should be able to open, save and save_as NXT-G program files

  • Encourage students to save their programs frequently
  • Encourage students to save multiple versions of their program if they make significant changes

All NVT2 lessons use the Common palette

If a program is larger than the NXT-G window size, students can pan around the program with the keyboard navigation keys (arrows, home, etc.) or click on the Map Tab (the magnifying glass near the lower right corner) to move the highlighted view box.

  • There is no zoom-in/zoom-out in the programming window – icons are always the same size

The Move block (from the Common palette) and the Motor block (from the Complete palette) are easily confused by students

  • Move block icon is dark green and has two gears
  • Motor block is light green and has one gear

Interaction with the Brick (view Brick contents/status, downloading/running programs) is controlled by the cluster of buttons in the lower right corner of the programming window

Students should not use sensor choices with an asterisk in their name

  • These are old sensors from the first generation Lego robotics kit

Students should use Comments to make notes in their programs for later reference

Note: There is no  lesson-level assessment for the lesson