Lesson: EV3 - Autonomous Data Logging Velocity Lab

The Goal of this lesson is to use autonomous data logging, to create and analyze the Distance vs Time, Velocity vs Time and Acceleration Vs Time graphs for an EV3 robot. Note: this lesson uses the free LEGO EV3 Science Curriculum Module available here: https://education.lego.com/en-us/downloads/mindstorms-ev3/curriculum
Student will be able to:
  1. Data Log the rotation sensor of an EV3 motor
  2. Calculate the Distance vs Time graph from the logged rotation sensor data
  3. Analyze the Distance vs Time time to determine velocity of the robot through point analysis
  4. Use a linear curve fit to determine the determine velocity of the robot through section analysis
  5. Calculate the Velocity vs Time graph from the Distance vs Time graph (first derivative)
  6. Analyze the Velocity vs Time time to determine the average acceleration of the robot
  7. Calculate the Acceleration vs Time graph from the Velocity vs Time graph (first derivative
  8. Predict changes in these graphs for changes in the program
Primary Instructional Material: 
Education Level: 
Middle School
High School
Scope & Sequence: 
Focus Subject: 
HW Platform: 
SW Platform: 
Interactivity Style: 