Classroom Resource Category: Tips & Tricks: Hardware
This section contains tips, tricks, undocumented (or poorly documented) features, troubleshooting/debugging techniques, workarounds, etc. for the NXT hardware.
EV3 Kit Comparison
This resource: is a web site which provides a nice comparison between the EV3 Home and Educational sets.
General Troubleshooting Tips
This resource: is a list of Hardware Debugging Tech Tips from John Heffernan (Williamsburg Elementary Schools, Williamsburg, MA):
EV3 Sensors
This resource: is a web site which provides a nice description of the EV3 sensors.
EV3/NXT Comparison
This resource: explains different between EV3 and NXT.
Eliminating Gyro Sensor Drift
This resource: describes how to deal with drift in the Gyro Sensor readings and provides technical details on the Gyro Sensor
Ordering Spare Parts
This resource: is the link to order individual parts for the EV3 from LEGO. Select "Buy Bricks" and then specify the 45544 Education Core kit.
Spare Ball Bearings
This resource: is the link to order spare ball bearings from a non-LEGO source. The LEGO parts are quite pricey and often back-ordered.
3D Printed Ball Caster
This resource: is a link to a 3d printed ball caster that uses a standard mouse ball (with rubber removed) for the metal ball bearing
EV3 Lessons: Common Brick Problems This resource: is a PowerPoint from EV3 Lessons addressing common hardware problems with the EV3 brick.
LEGO Pneumatics This resource: is a PowerPoint slide overview of the LEGO Pneumatics components are their functions.